Benefits of Fraud Examinations
Fraudulent Transfer
Because of the extraordinary powers given to a Receiver, we are able to quickly and
efficiently trace money and other assets that have been fraudulently transferred.
Banks, accountants and other third parties are required to turn over information to
aid the Receiver’s investigation. Darwin Johnson holds the designation of Certified
Fraud Examiner (CFE) granted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
CFEs are responsible for the prevention, detection and deterrence of fraud.
Per Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA - Founder of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners-
Fraud examination is a methodology for resolving fraud allegations, which involves
obtaining and analyzing evidence, taking statements, writing reports, testifying to
findings, and detecting and preventing fraud. The term examination indicates the
testing of a body of material regarding a theory or supposition.
The DKJ Group, Inc. has extensive experience in fraud examination and investigation and
we can help clients and counsel identify fraud risks or uncover and document cases of
suspected fraud. We have experience in cases and allegations relating to embezzlement,
conveyances in bankruptcy, estate/trust administration.